Screen Doors & Windows: Keeping Your Children & Pets Safe
If you ever want to get some fresh air into your home, opening a few windows and doors would be the way to do it. But imagine what would happen if you left them open, even for a minimal amount of time. Bugs would be let in, as well as any type of flying debris.
That’s the primary reason why homeowners choose to outfit all of their window and door openings with screens: that way they are able to enjoy the outdoor air without allowing the interior of their homes be bombarded with pesky insects.
But keeping bugs at bay is only the start of the many benefits of screen doors and windows: did you know that they also serve as a safety measure for young children and pets?
Window Screen Safety
Screens can help prevent little kids and furry friends from escaping the home without the parents and owners knowing. Everyone with a child or pet knows that taking their eyes off of them for even a split second can give them enough time to disappear. Screen doors and windows can help avoid these scary scenarios. Screens on windows can also help minimize the odds of children falling out of second story windows.
The Quality of the Screen Makes the Difference
However, as helpful as these screens can be, not all screens are effective. The actual mesh itself needs to be made of high-quality, durable screen fabric that is strong enough to withstand a certain amount of weight. The frame should also be very strong, and made of state-of-the-art aluminum that is able to resist denting or breakage. To make the screen extra safe, locks should be installed on them so that intruders are hindered, and kids/pets will have a much more difficult time trying to get out.
It’s important to inspect the screen every once in a while to make sure the mesh is still up to par. If you notice a white or silvery appearance from the outside, this is a sign that the mesh has become worn out and weak. In a case like this, you can easily poke your finger through, which means the screen is no longer safe, and should be replaced.
Every single component of a screen needs to be able to handle a great deal of pressure, such as when an individual falls into the screen. Of course, even the highest quality screens made out of the best materials can sometimes falter. While they aren’t necessarily always foolproof, better quality screens can provide added protection. It really isn’t worth skimping on your home’s screen doors and windows when safety is an issue. Just keep in mind that screens themselves can’t prevent every single accident from occurring.
Doctor Screen: The Industry Leader in Window and Door Screens
At Doctor Screen, we only install screens made for the highest quality materials. Our mobile service means your screens can be constructed and custom sized right on your property. Once we’ve created the screens, we’ll install them to perfection.
With so much experience under our belts, Doctor Screen is the only choice for all of your window and door screen needs!