Doctor Screen Is Now Coast to Coast!
We are proud to announce that Doctor Screen is officially available throughout Canada. You can easily find a doctor from the west coast all the way to the east coast! We’ve recently brought on a new distributor in St. John’s, Newfoundland to complete a nationwide roster of highly skilled doctors to treat your screens!
We’re the Doctors
Who do you go to when you need a screen repaired or replaced? Rather than going out of your way to a big box store, make a house call! You can trust Doctor Screen to provide you with unbeatable service.
No need to worry about figuring out how to remove a uniquely shaped screen. No need to you wait a long time for your screen to be repaired. There’s really no need to worry at all with Canada’s #1 Mobile Screening Service because we take house calls! Doctor Screen offers screening repairs and replacements right at your door with our mobile clinics. You’re guaranteed service and expertise from our doctors.
Screens That We Repair and Replace
Whether it’s a screen in your window, door, patio, RV, or even your boat, regardless of what shape or what kind of screen you have, Doctor Screen has the know-how and expertise to make sure that your screens are repaired or replaced quickly and efficiently.
High Quality Screens
Doctor Screen is committed to not only providing you with excellent service but also providing you with the highest quality screens. Doctor Screen is partnered with the best screen manufacturers such as ODL and Mirage Screen Systems to ensure that your screens last.
ODL products are glass inserts built with quality and innovation to provide you with the utmost privacy and design. The combination ODL’s glass and Doctor Screen’s screen quality will guarantee that you’ll live with secure comfort!
Mirage Screen Systems
Just like Doctor Screen, Mirage Screen Systems want to provide you with only the best screens. Their retractable screens assure that you get the smoothest screens that offer you protection, fresh air, and of course, quality!
Need a House Call? Call the Doctors!
Not sure who your local distributor is in your area? Give us a call at 1 (844)-723-7888 and we’ll send a doctor your way.