March 10, 2016

Become a Distributor of the Best Window and Door Screens on the Market!


Whether you’re a homeowner, a property manager, an investor, building manager, or anyone who has a vested interest in the maintenance and upkeep of a home or commercial/industrial building, then becoming a distributor with Doctor Screen may be the perfect option for you!

We all know the benefits that come with having screens installed in window and door openings: they allow fresh air in while keeping unwanted insects and debris out. But the quality and durability of the screens and the means in which they are installed makes all the difference in how well they perform, and how little maintenance is required to ensure they are doing their job properly.

At Doctor Screen, we only use the highest quality screens for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. As such, we want to extend the opportunity to become a distributor of these fine products!

There are all sorts of reasons why people need the Doctor:
• They’re unsure how to repair broken screens
• They don’t know who to take their damaged screens to
• There are no local window and screen door shops
• They can’t physically get their screens to a repair shop
• They have children and pets who often damage their screens
• They’re concerned about the hazards of allowing insects and debris in
• They simply have no time to deal with their screens on their own

Considering all these needs, there is certainly a strong market out there to become a screen distributor with Doctor Screen.

At Doctor Screen, we are looking to help others gain access to a wide range of window and door screen products to have installed either on properties of their own, or on properties that they manage.

We are looking to appoint distributors across Canada to enjoy premium products at fantastic prices.

We encourage you to contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss our products in great detail, as well as what’s involved in becoming a distributor with Doctor Screen!